Well it's official (to Porter at least) he has now decided that he is a grown up toddler and too big for his highchair and now wants to eat everything at his little picnic table. I can occasionally manage to wrangle him into the highchair for breakfast (the far messiest meal of the day) but that's about it.....
We have had our share of 'odd' cats in the past and Ickles is right there up with them- He has decided that the nice warm bed of towels that was generously made for him in the garage is not up to his standards and has started sleeping in the dog kennel with Drake in his dog house....
Occasionally we let him inside to play with his buddy Porter. The other day they were a little too quiet and I had to go check- I found them in Porter's room where Porter was throwing crayons at him and the cat loving every second of it attacking them like they were little multi colored wax mice.
It is amazing what that cat will put up with from Porter, they are buddies. Thanks for the table grandmaw, but I really didn't think it would become Porters dinner table.
Very cute!
At least the table will get good use year round. STOP GROWING UP SO FAST PORTER!
I remember Curtiss at that age did the same thing with his little table.
He thought he was such a big boy sitting there at a table his size.
Love Porter and the cat with the crayons :)
port, you look so grown up at that fun little table! How fun to be able to have lunch at it, its perfect for his size. Thats awesome the cat was chasing the crayons! How funny he is already sneaking pets into his room and entertaining them. you are so silly port and we cant wait to see you soon!
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